We now have convoys of 5 vehicles (10 people) that depart at the end of every month from Oxfordshire.
If you have availability over the coming months to dedicate 5 days total to the cause, enter your details below so we can get in touch and organise.
If you have a big enough group, financial support or vehicles to donate we also support or help launch your own convoy as we've done with Microsoft teams, Farming Cooperatives and other social groups
If you have availability over the coming months to dedicate 5 days total to the cause, enter your details below so we can get in touch and organise.
If you have a big enough group, financial support or vehicles to donate we also support or help launch your own convoy as we've done with Microsoft teams, Farming Cooperatives and other social groups

Time Needed: 5 working days minimum including a weekend (There & Back)